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Whiskey Barons Collection

The small-batch bourbon asked TCA to refresh its sales strategy

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Pop-up speakeasies 

Campari, the parent company of Wild Turkey, launched the Whiskey Barons Collection to bring back popular whiskey brands couldn't survive Prohibition. With its experience working with start ups and limited budgets, TCA helped the young brand test ideas to promote itself internally and externally.



The Whiskey Barons Collection is a series of small batch bourbons living within a company that usually goes big with its brands. While connoisseurs knew about the collection, few bartenders and distributors had enough awareness to drive demand. Likewise, internal sales teams needed their own education on how what sets these limited edition bourbons apart. The Whiskey Barons Collection contracted TCA to help teach the sales team how to educate their clients.


Campari Sales Force

  • Enthusiasm for the brand was fading because there was little demand from retailers

  • They needed to see the value, and they needed a story to tell

  • Their expertise can help develop a story worth telling ​


  • Sales flow from them in both directions:​ demand from distributors​ and supply to consumers​

  • They serve as influencers in larger markets and word of mouth catalyst in every market​​

  • They can deliver the story, but they need to know it first


Increase awareness of the Whiskey Barons Collection




  • Designed new sales materials to take advantage of the 100th anniversary of the start of Prohibition

  • Content messaging, manner, and tone focused on 1920s​

Event experience

  • Developed "pop up speakeasies" to showcase and educate about the products

  • Designed event invitations to mimic 1920s telegram with the secret password on how to enter the event

  • Recommended a special pop up speakeasy just for the sales team so that they could experience the event as a client

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